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AHA Contest 2024 Results:

Again, it has been an honour to convene the 2024 Hortensia Anderson Haiku Awards (aha). A Total of 1124 entries received from across the globe including the following countries Azerbaijan,Australia, Belgium, Bharat, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, France, Ghana, Greenland, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy. Jamaica, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mexico, Nepal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Scotland,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, The Philippines, Turkey, UK, USA. A special thank you to friends on social media who distributed our competition flyer via Facebook pages and posted our competition details on their personal Web pages. It has been a pleasure to work with an’ya and the contest judge peterB.- Marilyn Humbert, Contest Coordinator

Judges Comments by peterB

Out of so many entries, this First Place haiku entered by Brad Bennett, I liked immediately. What grabbed my attention was that it ‘shows” us a happening without specifically “telling” us what actually created it. On a dark night, wind, rain and the tides steal the mornings clues, but with a calm bright overnight, we can now see two sets of flipper marks, going “from the sea and back” making this old sea turtle ritual easy to recall. 



flipper marks from the sea  

and back

Brad Bennett



What’s an ice flower? One is an actual “plant” the other a near-arctic nature phenomena. Window panes turn moisture into bizarre ice patterns, and empty window frames can have true “frost weed” that obscures the empty portal with frosty ice designs…you may have seen it and just never thought to write about it in juxtaposition with “lace curtains”.


ice flowers –

the abandoned house 

has lace curtains

Ana Drobot



In this Third Place haiku,  a falling star episode certainly excites the senses, and breaks the visuals of an “orderly sky”. It also presents quite a unique perspective to a commonplace event. Thanks to the author for submitting this entry.


sudden relief

from an orderly sky

falling star

Lisa Anne Johnson




Fresh hay lying where cut, or on the barn floor after stacking, is both a great feedlot and playground for all the creatures; common sights like this are universal, memorable, and kitten-cute.

fresh hay  –

kittens figure-eighting

the mare's legs

Julie Schwerin

